Nothing beats this for immersive navigation and information delivery on the web. A music map which allows you to see and hear as you explore modern composition. Click "Music Map"
I thought I'd try out the YouTube free editor as I'm always saying that web 2.0 sharing technology makes it easy for everyone to be a creator of content. For African Digital Diaries, it's potentially the way that someone with access only to an internet cafe could work with pictures.
Well, it's simple to get a simple product together. Whatever's on there, you can stitch into a kind of assembly. But you can't add a soundtrack other than music, so narration falls out the window.
Twenty five years ago in Taos an old Indian trader from the pueblo sold me a pair of elk moccassins. I was twenty-two then. He said they would last me out all of my days.
However, he said that about half way through my life, I should come back to Taos to get them repaired and re-soled. He said I would find someone there who would do it, although it wouldn't be him, and he couldn't tell me who it would be.
Well, I have worn these shoes every day of my life for 25 years, they have walked with me on every continent, they have become almost part of my body, and have done me well. Now it's time to pick up the old guy's invitation to find someone in Taos to help to fix them up for the next 25 years. .
I am now starting to look for the particular leather-worker for whom this work might be waiting. I am sure that in 1986 he imagined that we would get on planes and look for each other. But I think that in the spirit of the age, and to conserve fuel, I will try to fulfill this quest by mail and internet. I've located a few designers of Native American wear, and written to the Taos governor, and we will see what happens.
(With Maren Deepwell and Tom Farrelly at the Education After the Algorithm
seminar at DCU) As I mentioned in a couple of posts, I gave a keynote in
Dublin ...
Although he tries to add some anecdotes, the first four chapters of
Carney's book read like an economic text, covering as they do the histories
of val...
Irena Cronin and I are seeing huge shifts coming as autonomous vehicles get
to the point where they are driving around San Francisco without humans. We
Bonne nouvelle pour ceux d'entre nous qui mettent en garde contre les
dangers de « l'extractivisme des données » depuis des années : la méfiance
envers F...
I found this comment by Kim Solga in response to Margaret Wente's
despicable rant about the Quebec student protestors and thought I should
post it here. I...